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2021 AGM

The association would like to invite anyone with an interest in the past, present and future of our series to join this year's Annual General Meeting on Thursday March 4 at 7.30pm.

You'll have to make your own coffee and bake your own cakes we're afraid - it's an online-only affair this year. Registration is now available on Eventbrite.

2020 did not go the way anyone would have wanted, and 2021 hasn't got off to a flying start either but, ever the optimists, we're hopeful of being able to deliver at least some mountain bike racing this year.

Sign up and hear how 2020 ended up for the association, what shape we're in as an organisation and what we're aiming to be able to do this year.

The Committee is elected by those present at the AGM and anyone who would like to be part of the Committee is welcome to put their name forward, either by emailing us - - or at the AGM itself.

Anyone wishing to put forward a point for discussion at the meeting is kindly asked to do so by emailing us - - by Thursday 25 February 2021.


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