1. General
1.1 The Scottish Cross Country Association (SXC) Series of races is run under the current rules of the British Cycling (BC) Mountain Bike Technical Regulations.
1.2 The SXC Series is classed as a Regional A race under BC Technical Regulations.
1.3 The Series will normally consist of 6 events, including the Scottish Championships.
1.4 If, for unforeseen circumstances SXC need to alter any rules, notification will be made via the SXC web site.
2. Race Entries
2.1 On-line race entries are available through the BC website and closes at mid-day on the Friday before the race.
2.2 On-the-day entries are only available for u8/u10 and Taster Male and Female categories. They will be accepted up to 30 minutes before the start of the race. Cash only is accepted on the day.
3. Race Categories
3.1 Riders must race in their appropriate category as set out on the entry form,
3.2 A licence from British Cycling in the appropriate category is required to race in the Elite/Expert category.
3.3 Riders from other categories with proven ability may ride in the Elite/Expert race at the discretion of the Scottish Cycling and SXC Committee, by application one week before the race date, with verifiable evidence of their ability. They must possess a valid BC race licence in their category.
3.4 Riders in categories other than Elite/Expert wishing to ride outside of their category may do so at the discretion of SC and SXC, by application one week before the race with verifiable evidence of their ability.
3.5 Where a rider is granted permission to ride out of category, they must ride in that category for the remainder of the season. Each event in the Series will include the following categories: Female: Juvenile, Youth, Junior, Senior, Elite/Expert and Taster. Male: Juvenile, Youth, Junior, Sport, Veteran, Grand Veteran, Super Veteran, Elite/Expert and Taster.
3.6 If there are less than 5 entrants in a category, the Race Organisers may combine that category with other categories in the race, but Series Points and Event Medals will still be awarded in respect of the Category entered.
3.7 The event Commissaire in consultation with SXC shall determine the start order for races depending on local circumstances.
4. Scottish Championships
4.1 The Scottish Cycling Scottish Championship will normally be contested as part of a Series race.
4.2 This title is open to: Riders holding a current BC licence in their category and either …
a) Were born in Scotland
b) Have a parent born in Scotland
c) Have been resident in Scotland for at least 3 years
d) Ride for a Scottish registered Team or Club
4.3 There is not a Sport category. Sport riders will start with Expert/Elite and may choose to complete the same number of laps as Expert/Elite to qualify for that title.
4.4 The Championships is run within one of the SXC series races.
4.5 Championship entry is on-line only through the BC website and generally closes two weeks before the event. There is no on the day entry and late entries will not be accepted.
5. Race Numbers & Timing Chips
5.1 Race number boards and timing chips will be issued at each event, and must be returned after the race. Riders who fail to return the board and chip will be charged for their replacement.
5.2 Number boards may not be cut, folded, defaced or altered in any way.
6. Sign on
6.1 All entrants must sign the official sign-on sheet and note the conditions for which they are signing.
6.2 Sign on will normally close 30 minutes before the race.
6.3 Under 16 riders must be signed on by their parent/guardian/carer.
6.4 All riders must be signed on for all race and official practice sessions
6.5 Riders are under the jurisdiction of the Commissaire from the time they sign on until the completion of the prize giving.
7. Race times
7.1 Race information including race times, start order, lap numbers etc will be posted electronically before race day and at the event.
7.2 SXC may change any of these depending on local conditions or circumstances outwith their control.
7.3 Riders must report to gridding area 15 minutes before the start of their race.
8. Practice
8.1 Number boards must be displayed and helmets worn during practice.
8.2 The course will be available for practice between 9.30 and 10.15, and from 13.15 – 13.45. Riding on the course outwith these times will result in disciplinary action.
8.3 All practice must be in the race direction. (No cycling round the rouce
9. Race rules
9.1 All riders must use a mountain style bike.
9.2 All riders must wear a helmet and have bar ends fitted.
9.3 Riders must not take short cuts or intentionally deviate from the marked course.
9.4 No outside assistance is permitted during the race. All spares and tools must be carried by the rider during the race.
9.5 Riders wishing to pass another rider must give a clear call of “Rider on your left/right” and wait until the front rider gives way when it is safe.
9.6 Riders being passed must not unduly obstruct passing riders and must immediately give way to passing riders when it is safe to do so.
9.7 A rider must cross the finish line with his/her bike after the winning rider to qualify for a place.
9.8 There will be one marked feed zone. Feeding is only allowed within the feed zone and at no other places on the course.
10. Retiral from race
10.1 Riders retiring from the race, for any reason, must report immediately to the nearest marshal and inform the recorder at the finish line at the first reasonable opportunity.
11. Series Points
11.1 Series points will be awarded to the first 23 finishers.
11.2 Points will be allocated: 1st= 35 points 2nd =25 3rd =20 4th =190 5th =18 6th =17, 7th =16, 8th =15 9th =14, 10th =13, 12th=12 ans then one point incremental drop for each place down to 1 point. *
11.2 Series points will be calculated by totalling all points minus lowest point ie “best 5 from 6” or “best 4 from 5” depending on number of races.
11.3 Riders must enter at least 3 rounds and enter the final round to qualify for the title and prize.
11.4. In the event of a tie, ranking will be based on finishing positions over the Series (most 1st places, most 2nd places, etc) and then, if still tied, on the relative finishing positions in the final round.
* For Under 10 and U8 catagories, points go down the same until 10 points, after which everyone who finishes also gets 10 points as well.