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A prize of your choice.....

SXC 2016 Prizes.

So, the 2016 season isn’t too far ahead of us now and we’ve already got a lot in place for another exciting SXC Series.

As you all know, we have to work with a limited budget – and some things are forever increasing – land use, First Aid, Section 11 access etc only ever go up.

For the last two years, we have concentrated on Series prize funds to encourage “season round” participation. And these have been awarded to all categories (13 of them), cash prize plus a Morven special medal.

Individual race winners have been rewarded with unique mugs which are a great memento (I’m still using 2004 with all the venues on it!) but I’ve heard that regular winners now have a cupboard full of them.

All under 12’s riders get a certificate and top three get medals and a Dales goody bag. Series winners get a Morven special medal – hand made and completely unique. And, Tracy and Megan go to great lengths sourcing their legendary spot prizes.

So, these are your races, what do you want for prizes for the coming season. Remembering that there are 15 adult race categories, so a possible 45 podiums and 13 Series categories (39 podiums) along with 6 Under12 categories (18 podiums per race) you need to be realistic!

Equally, if any of you know of, or have contacts for any prizes of any kind, please, please get your hands on them. Last season, Tracy managed to get her hands on Kayaking days, so, it doesn’t have to be bike related.

Please post back on FB or Email ……..and remember, these are YOUR races.


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